

Breaking the bindings: American book art now: an exhibition of creative bookmaking produced in the United States since 1980, Elvehjem Museum of Art, 6 May-3 July 1983. [Madison, WI: Elvehjem Museum of Art?], c1983.

Bury, Stephen. Artists’ books: the book as a work of art, 1963-1995. Aldershot, England: Scolar Press; and Brookfield, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company, 1995.

Castleman, Riva. A century of artists books. New York, NY: The Museum of Modern Art: distributed by Harry N. Abrams, 1994.

Drucker, Johanna. The century of artists’ books. NY: Granary Books, 1995.

Hubert, Renée Riese. The cutting edge of reading: artists’ books. New York City, NY: Granary Books, 1999.

Klima, Stefan. Artists books: a critical survey of the literature. New York, NY: Granary Books, 1998.

Lauf, Cornelia and Clive Phillpot. Artist/author: contemporary artists’ books. New York, NY: D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers Inc., and New York, NY: The American Federation of Arts, 1998.

Lyons, Joan, ed. Artists’ books: a critical anthology and sourcebook. Rochester, NY: Visual Studies Workshop Press: distributed by Gibbs M. Smith, Inc., Peregrine Smith Books, 1985.

Spector, Buzz. The book maker’s desire. Pasadena, CA: Umbrella Editions, 1995.

Talking the boundless book: art language, and the book arts: essays from Art & language, re-reading the boundless book/ Dick Higgins …[et al.] ; edited & introduced by Charles Alexander. Minneapolis, Minn. : Minnesota Center for Book Arts, 1995.

When will the book be done? edited by Steven Clay ; preface by Charles Bernstein.
NY: Granary Books, 2001.

The journal of artists’ books: JAB. New York, NY: Interplanetary Productions, 1994-

Art documentation: bulletin of the Art Libraries Society of North America. [Tucson, AZ]: The Society, [c1982-

Dog eared magazine: a journal of the book arts.

Websites and Related Resources

Vamp & Tramp, Booksellers:
Granary Books:

The Silver Buckle Press –

The Colophon Page: Modern Illustrated and Fine Press Books:

Booklyn Artists Alliance:

Chicago Center for Book and Paper Arts:
Minnesota Center for Book Arts:
The Center for Book Arts:
The San Francisco Center for the Book:

CBBAG: Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild:

Visual Studies Workshop
Women’s Studio Workshop